High & Over, Alfriston
Set within the beautiful South Downs National Park, this great little home has the most stunning, panoramic views and benefits from being totally off grid. The owners had owned the site for some years and had tried obtaining planning consent to replace a domestic garage with a two bedroom house. This sensitive location is very close to two traditional flint barns owned by the National Trust so planning for any dwelling was always going to be challenging! After the previous scheme submitted was turned down at appeal, the owners made contact as they heard I had designed the buildings for Rathfinny Wine Estate close by. My approach was to set the building below ground level, where the two bedrooms are situated, this would ensure the ridge level was below the ridge height of the adjacent barn. All of the elevations are clad in coated, corrugated metal sheets to reference the agricultural buildings close by. This new approach was accepted by the planning authority and gained full planning consent.